Giovanna-Reggina Galleno-Malaga

Score: 0 pts Giovanna-Reggina Galleno-Malaga
Data Scientist

Experience & Education
Tengo menos de un año de experiencia

Licenciatura o equivalente

No tengo ninguna calificación relacionada, pero me enseño como autodidacta ciencias de los datos y/o participo en cursos en línea y en persona.

My professional background is based on my career as a soft skills trainer, where I had the opportunity of boosting my ability to create and engage in trustworthy relationships with customers, sharpening my communication skills, and improving my critical thinking, problem-solving, and teamwork competencies. During the last year, I had to deal with data without knowing the right tools to generate insights that helped me to make impactful decisions. Since then I’ve become a Data Science enthusiast, and that drove me to decide to switch my career into Data Scientist because I believe this is the perfect ecosystem to make meaningful contributions by applying my soft skills. As a Data Scientist, I will be able to support my team to get the best outcome and deliver it applying my communications skills to get a better approach of the data that helps our stakeholders to make impactful decisions. Languages: Spanish | Italian | English
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