Ronaldo Cachi Delgado

Score: 1,000 pts Ronaldo Cachi Delgado
Data Scientist



Competitions in which the user ranked in the top 10 positions
# Submissions
Last submission
Best Score

Experience & Education
I have 1-2 years of experience

Bachelor's degree or equivalent

I have a formal degree or qualification in data science or a related field (maths, science, engineering, comp sci)

I have a bachelor degree in mechanical engineering and currently I am working for an engineering consultant company that works mainly with the mining industry. I started to learn about programming computers when I was in college as a part time study and became very interested in artifial intelligence. So, I began to take courses online with respect to data science, machine learning and deep learning. Between the most important I have taken Deep Learning Specialization and Machine Learning - Coursera, Data science with python - Edx, Deep Learning with pytorch - Udacity and CS231n Convolutional Neural Networks - Standford. Now I am looking to apply my studies on machine learning in the industry or real world problems and I am sure this platform is an excellent way to start.
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