Qiyin Li

Score: 0 pts Qiyin Li
Data Scientist

Experience & Education
I have less than a year of experience

Some college/university credit, no diploma/degree

I’m in the process of obtaining a formal degree or qualification in data science or a related field

My name is Qiyin(齐殷). I'm a computer science student. I've always had a natural affinity towards science in general, physics, chemistry, math and coding. Traveling is also one of my hobbies. I believe that language skills enhance your overall experience, especially in a multicultural city. One of my favorite places in the world is New York: a place where knowing english, spanish and chinese helps me integrate and communicate with a lot of wonderful people in that city. I find the role that I'm applying for to be unusually challenging, where dynamism and assertiveness are valuable traits. When faced with highly complex tasks I tend to think outside the box for solutions. I consider myself a good team player while also being a hard working and curious autodidactic self learner.
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