Udechukwu Patrick Izuchukwu

Score: 0 pts Udechukwu Patrick Izuchukwu
Data Scientist


Experience & Education
I have 1-2 years of experience

Bachelor's degree or equivalent

I have a formal degree or qualification in data science or a related field (maths, science, engineering, comp sci)

Over the years I have always had a thing for mathematics and interpretation of numbers right from college days. I enjoyed analyzing figure set as I was and still am very analytical and always have been a critical thinker. Having graduated with a degree in Mathematics, transitioning quickly in to the field of Data Science I have taken on several projects which I have attained or recorded above 95% success. Overtime I have also learnt to be an excellent data visualizer. With this experience, I am still very opened to learning from top professionals in this field and to develop so much to contribute the best of my abilities to company's or stakeholders growth.
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