Alvaro Vega

Score: 0 pts Alvaro Vega
Data Scientist

Experience & Education
Tengo entre 1-2 años de experiencia

El título de maestría

No tengo ninguna calificación relacionada, pero me enseño como autodidacta ciencias de los datos y/o participo en cursos en línea y en persona.

MSc in Physics and data analyst with strong research abilities and active learning skills. Excited about applications of machine learning, deep learning and artificial intelligence. Experienced in interpreting and analyzing data for an insurance company as actuarial analyst. Knowledge in statistical programming tools including R-studio and Python data analysis packages, such as NumPy, Pandas and Matplotlib. Experience working with SQL relational databases. Proficient skills using MS Excel and other MS Office tools. Experience as physics and math university professor. Excellent teamwork abilities, collaborative skills and ability to clearly communicate complex and technical information.
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