Jorge Oliva

Score: 0 pts Jorge Oliva
Data Scientist

Experience & Education
Tengo entre 1-2 años de experiencia

Licenciatura o equivalente

Estoy en proceso de obtener un título o calificación formal en ciencia de los datos o un campo relacionado

I am a dedicated professional in the information technology area with a vast experience in enterprise and the international marketplace. During the last years, I have enjoyed success in integrating technology solutions of image processing and data analysis During my experience I have learned two principal things: • Innovation is an exciting process of personal and professional excellence. • It is great to share the growth of a company and the satisfaction of a job well done. My interest and vision for the future are to further develop advances in data science. I am committed to expanding my knowledge in this area. I believe in democratic ideals. I think that predictive algorithms can be efficient and free of human prejudice, bias and discrimination, whether it is the auto-play function on YouTube, a movie recommendation on Netflix or an advertisement on Google search. I want to expand my career by developing ethical predictive models in machine learning.
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