Danyal Ali Asghar

Score: 0 pts Danyal Ali Asghar
Data Scientist

Experience & Education
I have 1-2 years of experience

Bachelor's degree or equivalent

I have a formal degree or qualification in data science or a related field (maths, science, engineering, comp sci)

My experience as a data analyst involves gathering data for an automated crypto trading bot from sources like Google News, telegram, twitter, and then storing that cleaned data into MongoDB. Moving on, performing sentiment analysis on the cleaned data to display a dashboard with the visualized output using HighCharts for Python via a line graph to populate the chart with dynamic values at run time using Python Flask and Django both. Lastly, I also had hands-on experience of scheduling Python scripts on Amazon server using cron terminal and schedule, i.e. a Python package. To accomplish this I got a chance to use the Linux Mint terminal for bash and shell scripting. Basically, I had to sign an NDA regarding the code which was regularly maintained on the GitHub company page. This job gave me a complete data pipelining experience and made and confident and equipped with the skills to tackle data-centric problems head-on for solutions. For certifications and job experience checkout my LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/danyal-aliasghar/
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